Comparision of LiFi and WiFi

The latest visual networking index published by [Cisco.2016-2021] systems predictsBy 2022, nearly 549 million public WiFi hotspots will be available worldwide, up from 124 million hotspots in 2017. The massive installation of WiFi-hot spots would contribute to intense rivalry for usable resources, despite the restricted bandwidth ability of radio frequency (RF). It pressures the RF network to satisfy the increasing cell data traffic requirement, which is expected to increase to 77.5 exabytes every month in the timeframe between 2017 and 2022. In response to this problem , Wireless networking systems with incredibly high frequencies is taking interest to address the growing bandwidth scarcity in radiofrequency. Light fidelity (LiFi) is one of these innovations. This comparatively modern technique will take advantage of the wide optical range – almost 300 THz [H.Elgala.2011] – by utilizing light waves as a signal bearer Li-Fi may be viewed as a Wi-Fi with power. The difference is to use transceiver-fitted LEDs instead of Wi modems that can lighten a room and send and receive information. This device utilizes a portion of the still not used electromagnetic spectrum extending from infrared to visible light up to a broad variety of frequencies and wavelengths..

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